ALPHABLOCKS is theBAFTA-nominatedBBC preschool TV series that teaches young childrento read step bystep, from meeting 26 living letters of the alphabetto readingwords like ‘alphabet’. Watch episodes of Alphablocks on your phone or tablet! NOW FREETOSUPPORT FAMILIES HOME SCHOOLING. Thousandsof people draw,make and play with Numberblocks too – connect withus on Have a tonof number fun and good luck with your homeschooling. If you have time, talk tothem about the show– ask whatever questions you like and before youknow it, they’llbe expressing their ideas about numbers. Repeat viewing is great too – ithelps all the keymaths ideas sink in. Let them watch as much as they want andyou’re happy forthem to watch. If your child enjoys theshow, they’relearning. Look for the app Alphablocks – Learn toRead, now also free.*** KEEP IT SIMPLE. It’s a whole levelled readingprogramme in a TVshow. Numberblocksalso won the BAFTAaward for best animated pre-school show in 2019.*** ALPHABLOCKS isour twin show that teaches young children how toread throughphonics and fun. We workclosely with the UK’s NationalCentre for Excellence in theTeaching of Mathematics to make surethis show deliversbest-practice curriculum teaching.

THE BEST WAY TO LEARN.Numberblocks is fullof fun and we have a ton of fun making it.It’s also filled with theessential ideas and number skills a youngchild needs to master thefoundations of mathematics. Join millionsof childrenworldwide who have fallen in love with numbers and areset on thepath of maths success. Watch episodes of Numberblocks on your phone or tablet!NUMBERBLOCKSis the award-winning BBC preschool TV series thatshows youngchildren how numbers work, sing and play.