
Emg normal but still have pain
Emg normal but still have pain

emg normal but still have pain

I am not a doctor, nor do I profess to be, but hopefully my information can be of some help. Here is what I know, after extensive neurological consultations and three meg tests in the last three months. It was vague and basically a re iteration of a paragraph from a textbook, with all due respect. Hi Benny, I wanted to respond to your post as, quite frankly, I was a little unimpressed by the doctor response you received. Is it possible to miss ALS on an emg when they test the correct/symptomatic muscles? I have a skin/nerve biopsy scheduled as a next step. everyone initally thought maybe I had cidp, but reflexes are normal and ncv normal too. I had no fasics, sharp waves or fibs, and no signs of dennervation. How is it that I can have weakness, atrophy but a normal EMG. They put the needle into the muscles that I have clinical weakness and multiple others and everything was normal.

emg normal but still have pain

I have had fasiculations x 3 years- now more diffuse though. The neuros agree there is clinical weakness on distal tips of all fingers and thumbs, with mild wasting/atrophy of my right (dominant) hand. Anyhow one week after my leg felt weak and both hips,I woke up and the tips of all my fingers were "floppy and thumbs both weak, and bent funny at the base when picking things up. Hello, I am a 31 year old female, and I have seen multiple neurologists since having onset of symptoms- about 3 months ago- started with a weak feeling in the knee, that leg and both hands/arms going numb and waking me from sleep, then the numbness feeling creeped up to my neck and face and tip of tongue, which mildly slurs my speech when tired.

Emg normal but still have pain